1. The Preaching of the Word of God (KJV) from the pulpit of Bible Baptist Church every service! Check our Audio page for the most recent services.
2. Jockey Lot Amazing Grace Mission
3. A very important ministry of ours at Bible Baptist Church is witnessing. From passing out Gospel Tracts to door-to-door witnessing, we endeavor to tell as many people as we can about our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. We set up a booth to witness to people. Many people have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour through this ministry. We set up at a local flea market called the "Jockey Lot." Thousands of people walk around this flea market every Saturday & Sunday. We use this opportunity to witness to any who will listen. If you want to learn more, please contact the Bible Baptist Church!
Visit Amazing Grace Missions website for more details!
4. The Bus Ministry
The Bus ministry of Bible Baptist Church is open to anyone who needs a ride to church! We will pick you up and bring you back home. All you have to do is call the church at (864) 225-1597.
4. Soul Winning Visitation Many people have trusted Christ as their personal Saviour through our services, classes, and ministries. But each week we practice a ministry of reaching out directly into our community. Many of our members participate in Soul Winning Visitation on Thursdays and/or Saturdays, throughout the Anderson, SC area. Every outreach meeting consists of a brief training course, partnering with an experienced Christian, and time spent visiting and reaching the lost with the Gospel of Christ. We have a soulwinning training course to equip the church family to lead others to Christ in a compassionate and evangelistic way that declares the forgivenss of Sin through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sunday School
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Men's & Ladies prayer meeting every Sunday evening @ 5:30
Ladies and Teen Ladies Missionary Prayer Group meets the 1st Thursday after the first Sunday of each month
Children Sunday School Children's Church for 4 yrs.- 4th grade King's Kids Children's Bible Club Vacation Bible School Teen Activities General Faith Promise Missions Prophets Chamber Baby Dedications Homecoming Church wide Fellowships